Southern Charm Building & Construction

FAQs: Common Questions about Custom Design & Building Services

  • What is my square foot cost to build?

    There isn’t a short answer to that question. There are many variables that come in to

    play. For example: the ceiling. Do you want an 8 foot ceiling? 10 ft ? 12 ft? Flat or vaulted ceiling? How many bathrooms? What type of flooring? A kitchen design can vary tens of thousands of dollars. Only a builder that builds the same thing repeatedly can give a locked down square foot price to build. It could vary between $125 per square foot (sf)  to $250/sf depending on the design and specifications.

  • You're a "custom builder" right? That means expensive.

    Actually no. I can design to any price point or taste. We set a budget at the beginning then work together to stick to it. Just set realistic expectations from the beginning. Don’t expect champaign dreams on a beer budget. Creating the right budget is the key to a successful partnership.

  • There are so many builders. Why should I choose you?

    The simple answer is personal touch. Im not just a salesman that passes you off to a chain of people. I wear all the hats. You deal with me all the way through the process from design through construction and then warranty after construction

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